Using source material or provided materials, this writing service provides a 5-page treatment, in 10 days.
Using source material or provided materials, this writing service provides a short film script, up to 30 pages, in 15 days.
Using source material or provided materials, this writing service provides a feature film script, up to 110 pages, in 90 days.
Using source material or provided materials, this writing service provides a pilot series script, up to 60 pages, in 45 days.
*All Writing Services require a deposit and contract*
Using provided materials, this creative service provides a pitch deck, up to 10 pages, in 7 days. Document aspects are determined by the client's preference. Any additional pages will incur an upcharge of $25 per page.
This creative service will provide the client with formatting or a current script. If requested, limited notes can be provided for the overall script.
With this package, you will receive a treatment, a feature film script, and a pitch deck for one standard price*.
With this package, you will receive a treatment and a TV pilot script for one standard price.
*Pitch Deck upcharges may still apply
All commissioned work shall be considered a “work made for hire” for Client as specially commissioned for use as a part of a motion picture in accordance with Sections 101 and 201 of Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Act. This mean, all copyright ownership remains with the client. I only require proper writing credit.